Tag Archives: humor

Great article about freelancing, by Stephanie Rice

I read this article on Medium today and had to share. The author is a freelance writer but the spirit of the article applies, I think, to any discipline. Good-natured, genuine, “from the gut” realness about life as a freelancer. The article was as inspiring in its honesty as it was full of humor and insight.

Couple of stand outs:

I was pretty sure that “freelancing” was Latin for “never-ending tsunami of rejection”? (Actually, we’re apparently named after medieval mercenaries. Bet their invoices got paid faster, though.)

Stephanie Rice

Work can bleed into the evenings and weekends until you start to see Sunday as that annoying day when your work cafe is overcrowded with all of these inexplicably happy people in workout gear.

Stephanie Rice

Absolutely classic. I’m reminded of the quote, “I don’t work from home, I live at work.”

Well worth the read, if you’re a freelancer or not. Check it out if you get a chance. 🙂

10 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Freelancing”, by Stephanie Rice.

View at Medium.com